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Known as the Birdiest roads in the world, here are the different gradients of 3800m to 400m from Puna Grassland to the foothills of the Amazon Basin. You have a great bird variety starting from the well-known Cusco City to the last bird spot at Atalaya Riverport. Many lodges along this famous road give you the chance to stay at different elevations and find new birds at every birding stop. Target birds along this road are: Red and White Antpitta, Marcapata Spinetail, Puna Thistletail, Unadorned Flycatcher, Cerulean Capped Manakin, Bearded Mountaineer, Rusty Fronted Canastero, Cinnamon Faced Tyrannulet, Slaty Tanager, Andean Cock of the Rock, Black Streaked Puffbird, Slaty Gnateater, Inca Flycatcher and many more..


The North Central Andes brings a special habitat for many Endemic and Range restricted Birds that will increase your international bird list. The Marañon Valley is also part of the Famous Northern Birding Route that covers many birding places along this famous route like Tumbesian Dry Forest around Chiclayo and other places like Abra Patricia in the Amazonas Region, going through Cajamarca City.


Another great birding spot for cool specialties and range-restricted birds, the central birding route can be mixed with Sea Birds around Lima or extended with the Famous Satipo Road. Beautiful landscapes and very nice roads along with the Santa Eulalia Canyon birding from very low altitude to over 4000m.

Along this Bird Trip, you can also enjoy the Famous Santa Eulalia Road, Junin Lake, and the well-known Bosque Unchog at Huanuco.

Birds that can be found along this road are Golden Backed Mountain-Tanager, Pardusco, Bay Vented Cotinga, Diademed Sandpiper Plover, Rufous Browed Hemispingus, White Bellied Cinclodes, Bronze Tailed Comet, Junin Rail, Junin Grebe and many more…


This birdy flat forest at 300masl has the best Macaws Clay Lick in Peru with good bird variety, colorful parrots, and Macaws. This birding trip can be done from Cusco in two ways Car or plane down to Puerto Maldonado Town or just from Puerto Maldonado Town. Many lodges are designed to give you a good stay at different prices and locations. Here you also can enjoy beautiful lakes for water birds and Canopy birds species by doing Walk Ways over 30m or more. Birds that are in this birdy corner are Rufous Twistwing, Humaita Antbird, Fulvous Chinned Nunlet, Pale Winged Trumpeter, Ash Throated Gnateater, Rufous Fronted Antthrush, Long Crested Pygmy-Tyrant, Rusty Margined Flycatcher, Purplish Jay, Black Faced Cotinga, Acre Tody-Tyrant, and more.


Popular birding trip in the amazon with very special habits like White Sand Forest and River Island creating excellent áreas for birds that are only found there and some range-restricted species.

Very well-protected areas such as Allpahuayo Mishana Reserve and the Amazon River give you the bird quality you are looking for. Birds that can be found here are Rufous Potoo, Allpahuayo Antbird, Iquitos Gnatcatcher, Mishana Tyrannulet, Nocturnal Curassow, Wattle Curassow, Zimmer’s Woodcreeper, and many more..