CEO & Guide

Jesus Cieza

Bird and Nature Tour Guide who has been working as a freelance for some Bird Companies and now decided to operate his own; he was part of the team who run the first Birding Rally Challenge done in southeastern Peru in 2012, he also spotted pictured and documented White-Banded Mockingbird a hypothetic bird for Peru before plus Yellowish pipit documented as well and recently in 2023 reported and recorded a new specie for Peru the shy Yellow Breasted Crake in Tambopta area. He now works for himself giving his best to assure your trip turn unforgettable. A birding Guide who enjoy sharing birding tips with people who also love this passion, learning from each trip and adding joy to the team.

My eBird

Logistic Manager

Lisset Paz

Lisset is in charge of the company´s office administration. She is a staff member who simply “make things work”. Whether it be answering your email queries, organizing tour logistics, coordinating with our providers, making sure our clients enjoy nothing short of a wonderful time spent on one of our tours … you name it, Lisset makes all this happen!
Lisset has a degree in Tourism and Hospitality Industry. During the past fifteen years, before joining the South Birding Peru Team, she worked in chain-branded hotels as San Agustín Hotels, Casa Andina Hotels, Starwood Hotels & Resorts, and Inkaterra. It is thus understandable where her friendly and helpful nature stems from, and her careful attention in every single detail, which are attributes strongly representative of our Bird Company.


Alexander Alferez

A new bird guide generation with a degree in Ecotourism who spend years working for several International organizations such as Fauna Forever, Wildlife Conservation Society and Scientific innovation center of Amazonia doing Banding, Mist netting and research projects in conservation, now he is involved more in what loves leading birding groups with South birding Peru developing his passion for Bird Photography.


Joselo Barazorda

Joselo, is a very passionate Nature & Bird Photographer, who started his passion in the Jungle area where he was born, He actually works as Nature Guide for many Tour Companies and does exclusive Photography Birding Trips for South Birding Peru.